Thursday, May 17, 2012

This month:

I deactivated my Facebook account. So far I have made a huge dent in my laundry and have cooked every day since. We are trying to get the Zoe girl healthy. It has involved many many dr visits. My allergy related asthma has come back with a vengeance so I have not been able to work out without dying in the process. We are broke. Dead broke. But it is all good! And that is where we are at right now. This is life.

Friday, May 11, 2012

this week:)

devyn REALLY wanted to take red velvet cupcakes to school. they were a big hit!

and the next day i made her a birthday flan, she was so happy:) and even shared with her dad.

the man of the house is busy with his hotel league.

chloe is gets more and more beautiful everyday.

poochy snores in the dirty clothes basket:) like his daddy!

testing new med. regimens for zoe and me. it is going well so far.

movie nite with my baby girl, miss zoe

family time is getting shorter and shorter.
making every moment count:)
it will all be over in a blink of an eye.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

re*use a kit:)

my goal for this year s to make sure that i use free kits at least twice.
after that they get deleted off of the hard drive, no matter how cute it is.
i have learned that after 2-3 uses the kits just stay on my drive, taking up space.
the same thing with freebie templates:)

this page will be next to the last one i posted in my shutterfly book.

using insd kits:)

 i used this freebie kit:

and made this really cute page for some very somber pictures:)

making a page a day this spring/

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ohhhhh the insd freebies:)

right now money is waaaaaaaaaay tight.
it goes in cycles because of the dh's job.
as i was lamenting not being able to buy any new stuff (mind you i have a zillion kits i have not even used yet), insd rolled around.
i forget it every single year.
this time, because i was sick, i was able to just sit and download freebies all day long.

all paper and elements from the mscraps hello sunshine blog hop.
i didn't save the template link...SORRY:) it is a really good one with the chevrons too.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

freebie add-on kit for little boys:)

oh, how i miss this little man's antics:)
it is so hard to find really good little boy friends out there. this is a good one!!!

get this super cute little boy freebie it here:

Friday, May 4, 2012


i am REALLY trying to learn my manual setting on my camera.
can u tell i have ADD.
this is taken with my canon rebel DSLR and 50 mm 1.8 and a very uncooperative puppy boy.
it is not as sharp as i would have liked, but hey...i am only just learning, right?

i also photoshopped it a little with yellowsky actions.
he is a cutie pie, isn't it?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

why i edit.

i take a lot of crappy pictures.
and i wish they weren't so crappy.
i wish i took AMAZEBALL pictures 24 seven. but, sadly, i don't.
so i photoshop the bejesus out of them, hoping that they will somehow convey the feeling i was looking for.
the left image is straight out of camera, a cold day right before the holidays. i like the taken from behind type pictures.
the picture is sooooooooo not good.
i ran the following actions on PSE:
all by
1. mr fix it.
2. snap crackle pop brushed @100% opacity on the whole image.
3. majestical @ 100%.
the image is far from perfect...but it takes me back to the day i took the picture and the memory is clearer than ever.
it's all good.